Robo Race:-   


Build a robot whose task is to complete the shown track in the shortest possible team whose robot completes the track in the minimum time is the winner.


The Robot can have a maximum dimension of

Length : 25 cm.

Breadth : 25 cm.

Height : no limit.

Weight : 4KG ( excluding the controls/wires )i.e. the robot must fit into a square box of side 25 cm.

-> Robot Classes :

Remote Controlled or Manual ( Wired Control ).

-> Power Specifications :

The robot must be self powered, i.e., power supply must be onboard. AC power supply will not be provided, except for charging your batteries (in the breaks only). The potential difference across any two points must not exceed 18 V.


ROUND 1 --

Qualifying Round The robots have to reach flag1 in the minimum possible time. one chance will be given to each team .Teams whose robot's running time is found lesser than the cut off time (to be decided by the Organizers at the event) will advance to the next round.

ROUND 2 --

League Round The robots have to reach flag2 in the minimum possible time. one chance will be given to each team . Only Top 8 teams will move to the next round.

ROUND 3 --

Final Round The robots have to complete the whole track in the minimum possible time. Robots will run in pairs of two and the loosing robot will be knocked out of the competition. Finally the ultimate winner will be decided after a series of 4+2+1 matches.


1. No practice on the arena will be allowed.
2. Robot specifications will be checked before the start of the event, Teams whose robots do not satisfy the constraints will be disqualified.
3. Borders will be placed on either sides of the track ,each touch will lead to penalty. All the penalties will be added to the total time taken by the robot.
4. In case of the participant touching his/her robot, the participant has to start that particular zone again.
5. If the robot goes out of the track, extra penalty will be levied.
6. Organizers reserve the right to change the arena specifications and the rules of the event if required.
7. Participants must abide by the organizers instructions. Any argument with the organizers may lead to disqualification of that team.
8. Registration fee per head is 50 Rs.

9. Maximum no.of participants per team is 3.


- To Register in this Event CLICK HERE.


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